
Working with Ray Matthews and Ray Matthews & Associates Inc. for over 12 years has been a transformative experience for Sernova. Ray has consistently demonstrated an exceptional ability to elevate the share price of his TSX-V clients, and his track record of securing over-subscribed financings is truly unmatched. His deep connections with high-net-worth individuals, family offices, and small funds are a testament to the immense respect he commands within this ecosystem. Ray’s insights and strategic approach have been invaluable in driving Sernova’s growth, and I am proud to call him a trusted partner.

Dr. Philip Toleikis

Founder of Sernova (SVA.T)

Ray’s dedication to client service is second to none. His passion for those projects he works with has been a critical success factor for many companies.

Brady Fletcher

President & Head of Investment Banking at Roth Canada

When I took on the challenge of helping to build a cross-media, youth-centric company, I knew I had been invited to share in an incredible opportunity.  What I didn’t count on was that I would meet my mentor in the process.

 In our year together at OP4 Media Networks, Ray motivated and empowered me to push my professional limits past what I ever thought possible.  From day one, he earned my respect as he worked passionately to create an open foundation for idea exchange at OP4 through milestones and crises.

It is this commitment to a positive corporate culture and his firm belief in others that makes Ray not only a born entrepreneur, but also a natural leader.  Without fail, he brought the following qualities to our team every day: 

Incredible intellectual capacity: Ray could always be counted on to make quick, solid decisions in tough environments.

Honesty and integrity: Ray’s principles and strong value structure inspired the trust and confidence of his team and all of our strategic partners.

Work ethic, enthusiasm, intensity and drive: I think of Ray as a warrior – someone who perseveres, no matter how difficult the task.

As I spent more and more time working with and learning from Ray, I realized that his natural flair for leadership included other unorthodox, but highly effective, qualities.  Like the fact that he’s gutsy.  And a fabulous storyteller.  He’s also a little wild, very funny and a touch theatrical. 

In short, Ray is the kind of leader that leaves more than just business success behind – he leaves a legend.

Sam Reynolds

CEO, Echo Memoirs

Entrepreneurs should pick their investors like they pick their co-founders: very carefully. With RM&A, Ray match-makes the kind of investors that are the right fit with your company. With Gatekeeper, we travelled far and wide to put our company in front of the ‘right people’. I felt like I was on an east coast bus trip playing Junior A hockey, but the stop-overs in key cities allowed us to find the right venture investors that inevitably contributed to our most recent over-subscribed GSI-TSX-v financing. Tenacious and results-driven, I recommend Ray for venture growth companies needing the right retail & institutional pedigree to take your company to the next level.

Doug Dyment

CEO, Gatekeeper Systems

In today’s challenging economy, as a CEO, it is critically important to have access to quality investors.  But gaining  access and attracting their interest has become increasing more difficult.  Working with Ray Matthews & Associates provides that access in an efficient way. Ray’s credibility, professionalism and genuine interest in people has made him welcome in these offices consistently, clearly setting him apart from others.  It is truly a pleasure for me and my company to work with such a highly regarded and respected individual like Ray.

Randy Woods

CEO Sophiris (SPH/TSX)

Ray is one of those rare individuals that possesses a brilliant intellect combined with a warm, generous heart.  It is the combination of these qualities that make him stand out as a leader in his field.  Ray brings passion and focus to every conversation and meeting and this allows him to create phenomenal results for his clients.  He takes the time to understand his clients’ needs and then does everything in his power to ensure that pre-determined results are achieved.  Clients’ needs are always first.  Being in the investment industry for 15 years has given me the opportunity to work with many professionals however Ray’s approach is truly unique and rare and very much needed…

Kamal Basra

Raymond James Vancouver

I’ve watched Ray drive two biotech clients through an extremely challenging market. I have a lot of respect for a guy who works hard for every inch on the field, backing clients based on experience, belief and intuition. The result: three of RM&A’s clients are considered top biotech prospects in Canada. His last two raises were oversubscribed and his clients, including Sirona Biochem, will recommend RM&A without hesitation. To me, results are everything and Ray’s results are without equal…

Neil Belenkie

Previous CEO at Sirona Biochem

I highly recommend Ray Matthews when considering the retention of an Corporate Finance professional specializing in strategic advisory. Their team approach brings depth and breadth, and a high level of responsiveness to a client. RM&A and Ray Matthews constantly display a tenacious, results-driven commitment to capitalizing a company to the point where we felt we were treated as though we were RM&A’s only client. Professional, effective, and friendly – we appreciated their advice, counsel. and outstanding results in a less than conducive financing climate…

Fahar Merchant

President and CEO at Medicenna Therapeutics, Inc

RM&A and Ray Matthews have provided a consistent, valuable source of expert advice on the complete range of IR services and retail financing support for Mobidia. Ray and Paula made themselves available to us whenever we needed, from answering emails within minutes late on weekends, to helping raise capital, build a strong audience and managing expectations in a tough, retail VC environment. Importantly also, I enjoyed personally working with [the team] tremendously. I enjoy their positive spirit and appreciated their frankness on a number of issues that arose.

Derek Spratt

Executive Chairman at Turnium Technology Group

In my previous capacity of CFO of Pherotech, the company was in dire need of financing to ‘survive to thrive’. Ray Matthews and LCC went to extra-ordinary lengths to positively impact our road show presentation, refine our positioning and develop a strong investor relations and communications infrastructure to achieve our objectives. I recommend Ray Matthews and RM&A with the highest accolades.

Charles Abel

Former CFO, Pherotech International

I’ve known Ray for over 12 years – and I was one of the initial investors to seed his first fund – ALSF 1, which delivered my clients a significant return.

I appreciate Ray’s engaging and enthusiastic approach to business – and enjoy the stream of solid companies he puts in front of me.

Gary Clarke

Investment Advisor, Raymond James

RM&A and Ray Matthews are smart, focused, passionate professionals deeply engaged with the entrepreneurs and companies they work with. At Tekmira, we were looking for a unique approach into the retail network to tell our story – and found RM&A’s time-tested relationships of wealth managers not only approachable and receptive, but results-driven and actionable.

Ian Mortimer

Former CFO, Tekmira; current CEO, Xenon Biopharma (XENE-Q)

I have nothing but respect and admiration for Ray and his RM&A Team – having been an investment banker and the CEO of two public companies the 24/7 mentality of the advisors you hire is paramount to getting funded. The job does not start at 8 AM and end at 5 PM; I believe in what I call the U.S. Army Ranger mentality – that you rely on your best people to accomplish the Mission. Ray not only accomplishes the Mission he does it with a lot of bodies still standing. Which is quite an art. Great friend, great professional, great execution, that personifies Mr. Matthews.

Joe Martinez

Founder & Managing Director, Core Venture Partners, Irvine California

…over the years, I have worked with a number of people in the capital markets. Never have I met someone with as much attention to detail and follow-up. I call Ray my stickhandler because he is always there 120% and he has all the moves. Ray has a gift of knowing when to hold back and listen and when to speak up strategically. He knows how to read people so well it saves time and effort when deciding how to deploy resources – he’s really sensitive to investor signals and “tells”. I have a great deal of faith in his ability to achieve win-win outcomes. That is, a deal is only good if it’s good for all parties and that aligns with our philosophy. It’s not just about money after all.

Stephen Duke

CEO, George Mobile

This guy is amazing. Ray Matthews is relentless to get results; and is bar none, the best horizontal marketer I’ve ever seen.

Michael Herrmann

Senior PR Manager, Xbox & Entertainment, Microsoft UK

I am a legacy Investor in Sernova. Ray Matthews has been an excellent investor relations professional through the course of the company’s ups and downs. What separates Ray from many others in his profession is that he is always available when things go wrong. Everybody’s great when things are great but the measure of the man is when things are tough

Bill O'Hara

Managing Partner at LACG Capital Inc.

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